Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thoughts At Random

I've been lazy, ooh boy have I been lazy
Lets call it Sunday's hangover leftovers
Dropping the kid of at school, coming home,
napping til 1pm, neglecting emails
eating curry mee, that sort of thing.

You know whats really bugging me?
The weather.
For December, its simply not cold enough
I mean, come on, 10-14 degrees?
What is that?
Everyone is saying it just doesn't feel like

And worse yet, the weather in Prague is the same
means no snow there either
generally tops the 'suckiness' scale
bloody global warming

Have you not watched Ms Universe before?
Save the planet!

Last night I went to YM's school concert
they did all sorts of things,
modern, classical, baroque
but in the choir, a young boy, maybe about 10
started ahead of the group twice, missing cue
and through the entire song after, he alternated
between trying to continue singing and mortifying-ly scrunching up his face
to try and hold the tears back, to no avail
my heart broke for him.

In front row, in front of the school, in front of the parents
scarred for life.

Later I reflected that if I could not handle it in
a child I didn't know, how would I ever do it
in my own? Die lah.

I had the strangest dream last night
about my aunt, and exes
and that she got back with one
and my grandmother said something heartbreaking over
it to her, and as she recounted it to me
I cried too.

How dumb.

Carpet smells like puke, still.
Thats it, over and out.


Julsgp said...

yea im full of hatred on the weather here too.. its suppose to be damn cold and hopefully snow but instead its raining alot and not as cold weather

Anonymous said...

check your hotmail! :)

Eaglet said...

Juls! where are you?

Anon: My hotmail has been checked, nothing interesting osso..