Sunday, December 03, 2006


Went to Leyna's birthday dinner today
think we drank six bottles of wine amongst us girls
since I am unused to going out
and drinking so much (am socially inept)
by midnight I bailed and took a cab home
alternating between passing out and chucking on my carpet

I finally woke close to 4 am
and thought "oh my god, I am in so much trouble"
which I was, for there was this man, practically growling
in my ear, from trying to reach me since
and never have I felt so chastised
even my parents don't make me that sorry
and I was, genuinely so.

Once I'd apologised like at 12 year old
cleaned the crust of my carpet
ate my indo mee goreng
I felt almost half okay
and begun to wonder where the hell that
gold, sequined hat came from?


The family stirs late on Sundays
It is 11am when they finally make their way downstairs
for breakfast.

I open my eyes and lie in bed blinking
wondering for a full ten minutes
if I can muster the strength to get up
wondering, if I have a hangover

My hair is rank so I wake because I am anal
and must wash it.hangover or not.

I greet them good morning
"Was I loud coming in last night?"
I ask NMTP and Dadman
"You were roaring and singing at the top of your voice!"
exclaims Dadman
at the same time, NMTP says
"Not particularly, why?"
Then she realises I must have been plastered
and continues with
"Not particularly if you don't count falling over the cats
and grunting an almighty 'fuck!'
then falling down the stairs and slamming the door shut!"

I laugh, they laugh, I tell them I had fun,
but just got drunk, because I'm not used to going out anymore
"Awww" they say, "Its not like we chain you to the house all the time
you know? sometimes we set you free"

I sit at the table and NMTP places
two mandarins in front of me
Vitamin C for my hangover
Dadman makes me tea
YM wants to know all the gory details
especially where that sequinned cap came from.

And hangover or not, you can't help but feel
the family-ness of it all.

1 comment:

Julsgp said...

looks like aja was having heaps loads of fun :)