Sunday, June 08, 2008

Reprisal-Gin Soaked Bar Room Queen

Re-Introducing Pete/Blue, one of my closest male friends
who has been an absolute encouraging rock in these
past weeks

last night he came and got me in a taxi
(so I didn't have to get a taxi on my own and would be safe)
handed me the sweetest card telling me that despite
the last three weeks I am chirpier than ever
and that I should keep my chin up
then he ran out of space

He thinks I've lost my super-anal edge
that I am zen and chilled

So off we went to Terrace bar, then into Velvet
but the thing about Pete and me is we start off the night
superb, but when we start to drink we somehow veer in
different directions and thus towards night's end
I ended up partying with BZB and his gang
and thats when it all went downhill

I started with gin, vodka, champagne, and with BZB progressed to shots, vodka
shots, whisky, champagne

I know they brought me home, but I have a gap in my memory of coming
in at the gate, of coming upstairs, of coming in
I remember sitting under the shower making sure my
hair was washed
I remember making indomee goreng with peas
corned beef and garlic sausage
I remember chicken-onion soup after that
but I don't remember coming in!

Anyway I love this pic cos it looks so happy.

Woke up at 11.20am and was mighty proud of myself
for sleeping in so late

Kraftgrafix/lapsap sale at Palette after a business meeting @ 3
then I shall do me usual Sunday rundown.

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