Thursday, June 05, 2008

Poisonous Fingers

Oh how I love that I am able to come home at lunches
put on some TV, some music, eat some, watch some TV
Take off all my clothes then put them all on again
layer by layer, office chic.

It occurred to me today that while yes,
I am sore, hurt, stunned even

I am ultimately ok, not getting worse
and how it would be so much better if he was gone
and not coming back

I fill my days, and I am okay, good I might venture

but he is coming back, and I guess not knowing what
that may bring has the potential to rock my boat, again
but I plan to stand fast
(though we all know how plans sometimes get diverted)

Just a thought, better if he was gone away for good
not dead *touchwood*
but just away where he can no longer touch me.

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