Friday, December 23, 2005

What I Really Want For Christmas

Is for you people to learn how to bloody well
drive around the roundabout
is it really that hard?

To learn some courtesy on the road

To learn how to flick those sticks
on the right (or is it left haha) of your steering wheel to
signal when you're turning

To learn how not to illegally side park
on the busy main street in front of my house

Thats all I want
(I already have everything else)

Last night as I drove home from some Marlboro event
after bumping into some old old old friends
and excitedly discovering some spanking new bar/club places
(wah! Penang becoming quite the happening man) with Celyn,

some dick head swerved out in front of me
onto the lane on my right
and when I honked indignantly
he reacted by swerving towards me
causing me to swerve onto the curb/kerb on my left
he glanced back and I shook my fist
then he proceeded to turn into my apartment buiding
so I followed him la
press his arse

Then I thought
"What are you going to do Aja?"
Twist his ears and make him do a hundred squats?

so I sang christmas carols to calm myself
and let the dickhead go.

Biartttch. Damn lucky its Christmastime.


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

Yeah, its a penang thing...ive driven elsewhere...even the drivers in conggested KL have more manners than our folks...

Over here, signal lights have no use...turning your head to the left or right means "im gonna butt into your lane your brakes..."

Doesnt help that our road traffic flow really sucks on the main roads too...

Unknown said...

I actually like drivign in Penang - everyone seems to give the KL plates a wide berth.

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

hmm, kinda weird tiger....the other way round with me...KL drivers seem more polite in general....and yeah...penang plates are shunned there too i think...