Saturday, December 10, 2005

Funny On The Fly (Random Shrandom)


The three minutes that it takes

me to drive from home to work
early (well not really early lah!) each am
is enough for me to summarise
that is damn farnee in the mornings
But that's just me.
People who listen to more than 3 minutes might come to a different conclusion.

My weekend is only just over,
as in, your Thursday, is my Monday
and hey!tomorrow, your Friday will be my Friday too!

The jazz fest was a blast
well worth the weird bonding session
that i had with an ex boyfriend's father at the
After Hours Jamming Session

well-worth the 16 hours that I was on my feet on Saturday
seeing Saharadja play at my favorite perch over the ocean
then attended the other workshops
met up with a man who called me 'princess'
and finally the concert
which I very kindly took my mother to
(thanks for the ticket!)

I walked around, but mostly stayed stage-side,
no blatant brandishing of press passes
hehe.. I just left it casually slung around my neck

checked out some cute musicians
but as usual, did nothing more

watched Saharadja wow the crowds
was pulled on the grass to dance
when they stayed for an encore because no one would let them leave

and generally just mingled with old friends, new friends
and blogger-type people

Had a nice chat with Randy Bernsen
and ended my night with
4 double vodka ginger beers.

Then the next day I drove down to KL alone
but let's leave that for another day


You know what I really want right now?
This second?
A Prosperity Burger.

I 'm not the biggest fan of Mc Donalds
but the Prosperity Burger man...

May called yesterday,
and in the background I heard the cattle mooing, so gay
I couldn't help but laugh away
Then after I said, "Babe, I love you okay?"

I watched Narnia last night
and if you asked me, between that and Harry Potter
I prefered Narnia
but that doesnt mean it wasn't a let down
somehow, most movies this year, were.

And one more thing.
Dei, next time you all go watch movie, call me la
Harro? this is the girl who resorts to going to midnight movies alone
and then gets rejected somemore.
I could use the company la mahai.


Anonymous said...

it's a thursday thing i guess. most of the time, ticketing is done by me, so sorry la cos i don't have yr contact also. >.<

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

i think the only movie this year that was close to epic was Kingdom of Heaven...ure right i when you say 2005 wasnt exactly a great movie year...

Yeah, romz usually kowtims the tickets n stuff for our gang whenever something decent pops up in the cinemas...

...elok u join us! :) we is always looking for more sesat folks to join the ranks...

Anonymous said...

Did Crash come out this year or last? Or was it just on DVD? Anyhoo, I liked it. Well that and 40 Year Old Virgin.

Eaglet said...

Des:: Ahhh yes. Crash was good, I really liked it as well. I havent seen virgin yet.

Jobe:Kindom of Heaven wasn't too bad too la.I guess it's just all those movies that they hyped up so much that tuened out to be a let down.

Rom: Cool I wanna come! next time get my contact from Jobe or Capes la.....

Anonymous said...

My contact info can be found on the walls of most of the ladies washrooms in Komtar...and some of the mens too...and one for the physically challenged at Gurney Plaza. Yeah, that should be about it. That reminds me, need to get a new marker.

Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

yeah ja, what i meant was Kingdom of Heaven was as close to epic as any of the 2005 movies are gonna be...

and sure des, ill drop by the ladies at komtar tommorow...then call you and let you know how it went...just keep waiting...

kekeke :)

Anonymous said...

rightttttttttttt. next movie opening , Kong. I suppose usual movie time would be thursday 9nish.
And to use the phrase that Jobe dreads so much these days, 'Call To Confirm' aka ctc. :)

Eaglet said...

Alamak, since that advertisement to "Take me for movies people!" I've been getting banyak respons. So, with great regrettenment I must declare that I am unavailable for Kong.

Shimmers said...

hey aja... nice to meet u at the festival!

it's amazing how small penang is!

Anonymous said...

Kong must be dissapointed you turned him down. lol