Monday, December 19, 2005

Movie Jitters

Its 7.55 pm when I reach the cinema
I'm nervous as hell
because for the first time in years
I 'm to watch a movie with a group that I haven't
seen all that much since the days of college
(it's been yonks)

I don't even know if we speak the same lingo.

They are late, but instead of getting annoyed as per my usual
anal reaction, I'm partially relieved
given time to calm my racing heart

What's worse still is that
before I left the house, I went into normal "I'm off to a movie mode"
taking things that I normally would,
but forgetting that the people I'm going with
may not find it so normal.

I've packed my giant

multi-coloured,older-than-I-am, owned-by-my-mother
-but-flicked-by -me blanket

I've packed a humongous container
(when I say that, I mean can feed 5 people)
of salad with roast chicken, cheese, ham, black olives, roasted garlic & onions
lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, rocket;
doused in ranch dressing

And now that I'm here
with my package safely hidden in a paperbag

I'm shy
very very very shy

I mean come on la,
first time going to see movie with people
then bring out blanket la, salad la
not shy meh?

I'm mentally kicking myself
when they finally arrive
we find ourselves inching our way into our seats in the dark
the movie has started
Aja, has the great luck to be seated smack in the middle
any attempt to remove said blanket or salad
will be in no way subtle.

I wait and watch
thinking that I can tahan my hunger
and lack of blanket
(I always like things covering my body, whether I am cold or not)
but the friggin movie just had to be 3 hours right?

Slowly I take out my blanket,
I even offered to share

then my salad called to me
and I thought 'ah fuck it!'
Cacat, cacat lah!

It was damn good.

Later Simran commented on my
" 5-course meal and blanket"
Yesterday Zach complained he missed it.

Aja Ng, unadulterated ok?
Next time, if you dont have time to eat first, like me,
ask me, I tapau for you too.


Edgar "Jobe" Gasper said...

so whaddya do for premier class movies? steaks, comforter and a teddy? :P

Eaglet said...

hmmmm...not a bad idea osso...

Meng said...

man, i could smell your five course meal all the way on my side. luckily ryan bought popcorns. if not, you would see a slimmy hand snaking its way onto ur meal.

next time, i'll get u to tapau something for me too, heh heh heh. peace.

king kong was fun. but 3 1/2 hours? ZzZzZz...

Shimmers said...

do u do that for ALL movies or just movies that are 3+ hrs long?

Eaglet said...

all movies m'dear, all movies...