Thursday, December 01, 2005

From the movie Pride & Prejudice

" You have bewitched me, body and soul."

A great line no?
Today, Aja Ng shall skive off French to attend
the opening of the European Union Film Festival
a special pre-view of "The Girl with the Pearl Earring"
(after all I've only seen it about 5 times)
with pre-movie cocktails and hors d ouvres
by invitation of the British Council

Woohoo!! is the week looking up or what?
Jazz Fest, private Muka Head rave, KL Gourmet dinner at Third Floor..
hit me with some more Momma!


the frou fr0u one said...

i want in on private rave!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want in on the "Hit me with some more Momma!" I prefer whips to paddles, fyi.

Eaglet said...

Rave cancelled, though I'm not sure if you'd have been that keen.Bad weather.Bah

Des: Whips split the skin, or maybe thats the bit that you like

Anonymous said...

I've got one major split right down the middle ....