Friday, August 03, 2007


A cup o tea in th UK and a cup o tea here sure don't taste the same.

Someone said this to me today
"So are you still hoping to impregnated by a passing seaman?"
not funny meh? I thought it was.

The XB also said something funny this morning but it didn't stick.
So let it be recorded that something funny was said, just that I dont
remember what.

I also received a perfect frangipani this morning,
it made my day kinda, received from myself that is.

Dolis, my fav chef ever also made me my favorite chicken mushroom
thingee because I am sick

The doctor prescribed antibiotics because I said I have to work tomorrow
and the XB brought me lemon cheesecake.

I think I haven't was my hair in 3 days.

Anyway I shall randomly spew.

I was talking to Frou lastnight "But why?" she asked
"You looked so happy during the weekend wor!"

Then I told her. Then she said "Oh my god babe!OMG"
"" then "..totally justified"
and I know she and anyone would get me

Nevertheless, its titbollockingly hard to untangle oneself
from a web like this and we want to be there for each other
help each other through this
yet how do we step out of the rituals that we created with each other
how do we create a whole set of new, less intimate ones?

Its like you want it to be over but you dont?
character flaws she said (random)

Search me man. Search me.
Over and out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...we want to be there for each other help each other through this
yet how do we step out of the rituals that we created with each other. how do we create a whole set of new, less intimate ones?

Its like you want it to be over but you dont?.."

OMG... this is what exactly how i feel!!! i feel u aja, i feel u...

(but i think i'm ok now.. now it's been nearly 10 months or so...)