Thursday, August 02, 2007

Options (Or Down with Love)

I was sitting in the boat today
sniffling, headachy, feverish
remnants of the Bee, the Flu he passed me

Beside me sat this little girl, 6 maybe
lolling about her mother
I actually thought of laying my head in
her lap, while she laid her's in her mother's lap.

I want kids, I want the whole she-bang
In fact if a good-looking, successful, responsible man
(already I ask too much)
asked me to get married and have babies now,
offering a lifetime of support, protection, dependability
regardless of love,I would probably think about it
which is bad enough.

But I am willing to bet that I am not the only one who's considering
that alley.

Examine the arranged marriage.. a lot of them work no?
And these days, who has the time anymore?
Or the strength to go through the whole getting-to-know,
dating, establishing a relationship, planning a future thing?
Why can't it just be there?

I know love takes work, but what if one removes it from the equation
add it on at the end, later?
Surely there are other people out there.
people who don't want to play this stupid game
who just want to put it out there, wants, needs, point-blank
no need to reply if you don't meet requirements.

A friend I know sent me a website a few days ago, ironic.

You'll excuse me of course.
PMS, sick, just broke-up and all that jazz.

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