Tuesday, March 10, 2009

High Enough From All The Waiting

Lalalalalalala such a nice day in the valley.

I was up high in the building, doing a quasi photoshoot when I peeked out
of the window,
the sky was clear, and you could see the mountains
surrounding us at the edges of the city.


and I received a sweet gift today :)

I'm not an unhappy person, I realised as I was bopping down the
street home listening to Frou Frou. I caught myself dancing at the
traffic lights and had to stop for fear of being labeled freak.

Really, the slightest things make me happy.

But then the opposite works too.
Like I feel horrid when I decline to take a flyer
handed out by a person slicked in perspiration from standing in
the noon scorch.

I also have this inherent inability to sit still and watch life pass
me by, thus I try and embrace every second
that's why I don't get the people who just sit and wait
wait wait wait wait for what?
Life to pass you by?
You know some people are stuck, you know they have no choice?
You do.

There's so much to take in, so much to be grateful for and gracious about,
even a connection is hard to make these days
but I guess there are some things that even the best of us
must let pass us by.

Trust me to come back from Ho Chi Minh City and crave
Vietnamese food everyday.
Yesterday for lunch, then dinner.

And today maybe dinner :)

I should stop sweating.

I should reply to that sms. 4 days late!

And oh yes, I've decide to give people more of a chance.
Because of karma and all you know, and because
I want to be a nice person (not that I am'nt already)

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