Monday, November 29, 2004

Not for those who haven't seen Alexander

Last Saturday I watch Alexander with the girls. If I had been able to do a real-time commentary while watching the flick, this is how it would have gone….

Wait, do I sense a gay vibe here?
Shit did that just happen? Am I imagining it?
Angelina Jolie is effing hot!
Are they really showing that in the movies?
I get the impression I am watching gay soft porn
Wait did they just cut (sensor) that?
Were the men really making out
The great Alexander is bloody gay…
Are they about to have an orgy?
No, Hang-on..he’s Bi.
Will this ever end?
Ever? Save me, somebody please?
Its ending, Thank God …quick let’s run out!

No, seriously, it was that entertaining. GO watch it, someone else has to suffer too.Bloody waste of a good Saturday night.